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Types of Editorials

Think of it as a debate. If there’s something you feel strongly about--you’ll argue for it. It’s your opinion. It can be harsh; not hateful. Positive; not brown-nosing. But be sure to be aware of your audience and pitch a fair counter-argument too, in order to validify your article!

  1. All submissions must be original content that you own the rights to.
  2. Please fact check your story and provide sources for all your info.
  3. If you include images, you must either own the rights to them or source your images appropriately.
  4. Images must be high-resolution and be at least 1400 pixels wide.
  5. Submission of a guest post does not guarantee it will be published on TVAFTERDARK.
    Our team will reach out if we’d like to run your story.

You think you know the Maze (Westworld) inside-out? Do you have theories on Mindhunter’s mind-boggling scenarios? What about the Upside-Down in Stranger Things? Collate your evidence from sources and the show’s Easter Eggs, and leave our jaws slack with a kickass theory.

This is the broadest spectrum. Do you want to evaluate a character? A plot-point? Historical anachorisms? Laden with opinions, you need to back this up with evidence, but it’s not as statistic-heavy as our theories. These can include:

  • Editorials of argument and persuasion
  • Editorials of information and interpretation
  • Editorials of tribute, appreciation or commendation
  • Editorials of entertainment

Shows that are great for Editorial Topics that contributors can use

This list is not exhaustive! Shows don’t necessarily need to be “deep” to matter to our hearts. If a show has touched you and you want to analyse it, or critique something more in-depth, or even write an opinion piece--then go ahead! It may be a show you may never have ever expected!

Science & Technology

Westworld, Person of Interest, The Expanse, Star Trek: Discovery, McGyver, Stranger Things, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fate/Stay Series and more!

Health Issues

The Good Doctor, Chicago Med, House, Big Little Lies

Social & Cultural Changes

The Gifted, The 100, Supergirl, Quantico, One Day at a Time, Black-ish, Shannara, The Exorcist, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fate/Stay Series and more!

Political & Crime

Veep, Scandal, Designated Survivor, Scandal, HTGAWM, Blindspot, Wentworth/OINTB, Mindhunter, Ozark, Comedy: Black-ish, The Mayor, Veep and more!

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