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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!




Well, It started in Year 2009.

Romancia started out web developing for a client and part of the project request was interacting with potential customers. Coincidentally she found herself on a platform called uStream where she could talk live via video with individuals. Unsure of how this works, she was fascinated by a CW show called The Vampire Diaries and would watch the show and make 'real talk' commentaries on each episode. It didn't take long in which Romancia had an audience of less than 20 which she endearingly called her friends. UStream engagement was via twitter and it didn't take long for everyone to quickly spread the word about her tell it like it is style commentaries and her more than the obvious lack of urban culture once every week. The viewers quickly turned into 180,000 live watches by the end of two months and the demand to stay up ungodly hours for international viewers was starting to become taxing as the viewership grew and the demand for her thoughts on pop culture increased, she was encouraged to start a blog by her viewers. The birth of TV After Dark with Romancia and Friends was born.



Redesign of our logo identity

Adopting the name TV After Dark came early 2010 when discussions on The Vampire Diaries turned to varying pop culture entertainment. It was then the decision to drop the D from TVD After Dark, stemmed the idea of changing the logo.


To the logo you see today.




TVAD 1st in Live Streaming Celebrity Intervies

Before there was Facebook Live and YouTube Live there was uStream and our live streaming started with a vampire and a liar, when live streaming back then.


Critics Say

Not only did the fans start paying attention to us, bigger networks started doing the same, the smart ones at least reached out to us and quoted our reviews and articles. One of the first was ABC The Last Resort which aired the critics' promo and we quickly needed to


Nerdeek Life Podcast Unveiled

Nerdeek Life creates podcast and video highlights of guest interviews, cosplayers, vendors exclusives, tips and tricks for comic con and festival attendees to help them experience the fun of fantasy, fiction, and fanfare.


Nerdeek Life Our Sister Site

Something should go here.